Cy Twombly
The Artist:
Cy Twombly was born in Lexington, Virginia in
1928. At the age of 14 Twombly began to take painting classes as well as attending
lectures for four years. In the late 1940’s Twombly began to gain interest in German
expressionism as well as Dada art work. ( ) After moving to Georgia
Twombly found an opening in an art program in Washington and Lee University lead
Twombly to move to New York City. In 1952 Twombly travel via a grant from the
Richmond Museum of Fine Arts and between1952-1957. In 1957 he left to live in Italy and a year
later he had his first exhibit it Rome at the Galleria La Tartaruga. Twombly traveled
to many places but always returned to New York City. Twombly created many
pieces throughout his career and has work in many museums in the world. Passing
away just under a year ago Cy Twombly left behind a great amount of work that
continues to catch many views attention with his type of work that he expressed
through out each piece. Although at first glance his work may be somewhat strange
it definitely holds the power to want to see more.
The Work:
This piece was created in 1992; it consists of
wood, plastic leaves, plaster, and paint. I wanted to see what other piece of
work was done by Twombly and this piece of work was a little easier to create
meaning for. Each one of the elements holds a different use outside of this
piece of work, although you could find the objects to be a part of a house or
structure. When separated each piece that makes this work of art really nice to
enjoy, by themselves conveys no strong meeting.
My Reaction:
Thinking back to the paintings in the dedicated
space in the Philadelphia Museum of Art that to me clearly describe a troubled
person, it was very intriguing to be able to see different variation in works
of art that do not seem to be developed out of anger. During my research I found
an enormous amount of work that deals with sculptures that were made of
different and random materials. With most of them being untitled it is very
difficult to tell the direction of each piece or even the influence behind
them, which I believe may have something to do with the corresponding title of untitled. With the work of art that I
chose it brings in two elements that make this sculpture have such a contrast
in symbolism, but just as much may have changed the characteristics of each of the
poetic meanings. Taking a flower and placing it in such a solid and ridged structure
creates an instance that would seem impossible to find outside of the art work.
Although a flower is corresponded with being delicate the form was changed when
it appears to be stiffened with paint poured over top of it and left to dry, on
the other hand the wooden box that is covered in plaster appears to look similar
to a brick loses it ridged ness with the excess dripping of paint rolling down
the side almost as if it is melting.
"Cy Twombly Biography." Cy Twombly Biography.
N.p., n.d. Web. 14 June 2012.
"NGA - Twombly: Early Years and Education." NGA
- Twombly: Early Years and Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 June 2012.